Cultivating Consciousness
I’m passionate about helping leaders raise consciousness. But what does this actually mean and why should we care? In a nutshell, your consciousness is the sum total of your attitudes, beliefs and repeated thoughts. It’s an invisible “field” that’s magnetic in nature and interacts with your body and the fields and bodies of everyone else you come into contact with.
Our consciousness limits what we see and the range of options we have because it caps what we’re able to experience. Increasing your resting level enables you to get ahead and get things done. You cannot improve your business, your relationships or any other life circumstance without first raising your resting level of consciousness or your dominant “Attractor” Field as physicists would say.
Like Attracts Like
Levels of consciousness are powerful Attractor Fields or patterns that draw in and hold onto people, places and experiences like magnets hold iron. A smiling person walking past you on the street can draw out your own smile, for example. Laughter and joy are powerful attractor patterns that young children exude. Attractor patterns are at play in everything we say, do, or feel repeatedly… again, again and again. This is why states of mind, such as shame, regret and hopelessness, are so contagious and devastating to those living at similar levels of consciousness. We can also have separate or overlapping attractor patterns at work for different areas of our lives: one for work and one for our personal lives. Our levels of success in career, for example, will point to the underlying patterns we hold around worthiness and money. Systemic poverty creates inter-generational inequality because dominant attractor patterns are passed down among families.
This is just physics.
Einstein said, “the Field is the sole governing agency of the particle.” The field is the invisible energy all around us, and the particle is that expression of energy as matter. In other words, your consciousness is the unseen “force field” that organises the physical universe as you experience it. You cannot see anything until you’re conscious of it.
Consciousness is both an awareness and a potential.
When we are conscious of some pattern or some experience, we are aware of it or have a cognizant or mind understanding of it. This is decidedly different from having an unconscious experience of it that resides exclusively in the body. Consciousness rises as we expand our awareness of some internal or external quality. When we experience something new, for example during learning, we become aware of and it expands us in some way. Consciousness is also a measure of future potential and the capacity for change. Lower levels of consciousness are more rigid and weighty, making them harder to shift. This is why worry is easier to shift before it becomes chronic and turns into anxiety.
Silver Lining
Setbacks or difficult times shake the nuts and bolts from our consciousness “carriage,” you could say and make it easier to re-set our resting default level: that’s… if we don’t resist it. The greater and more devastating the challenge, the greater the potential for raising consciousness. It always works this way. But ultimately we have to step in and allow these experiences to do so and usually we need support, but it starts with a choice.
Consciousness is an inside job.
Everything in the material world is its reflection of our consciousness. Everything we experience physically was first caused or created in consciousness. The truth is that everything is created twice: once in our minds as thoughts or ideas and then again when those thoughts reach the material plane. Everything starts as thought. Think about it. Everything you or anyone else has ever created or helped create started in energetic thought form first. The only way to change our physical reality is from the inside out. This is because the “cause” of everything is not to be found in the material world. The world, as we think of it, is all “effect.” And effect is the result of our consciousness; so we have to pay more attention to the world of cause, which is all consciousness, rather than in the world of effect, which is all physical. This is where empowerment lives.
“The outer work can never be small if the inner work is great.
And the outer work can never be great if the inner work is small.” Meister Eckhart
Encompassing over 20 years of research, David Hawkins in his seminal book “Power vs. Force” uses Kinesiology to map levels of human consciousness. His remarkable research provides valuable insight into the human condition and offers a framework for personal and societal transformation. With patience, it’s a life changing read. Based on Hawkin’s research, I’ve developed a Consciousness Audit Tool for assessing dominant consciousness levels across different aspects of our lives.
Get in touch if you’d like to be more aware of yours.