molly ireland, possibility coach, business coaching
What is the process for working with you as a coach?

Coaching is a dynamic two-way exchange that is grounded in mutual trust and crystal clarity with regard to the development aims of the coachee. During our initial session, I work with you to fine-tune your intended outcomes for our time together. If you’ve arrived at my coaching by way of your supervisor, senior leadership, or governance board, the outcomes of your work will be developed in conjunction with their input or as determined with the support of outside assessment tools. Ultimately, however, regardless of how you found me, coaching is a personal process that is not limited to who you are at work. It is deeply transformative work that will benefit every aspect of your life. This is because you don’t stop being yourself just because you’re at work even if you’re someone who prefers to keep these two worlds apart.

How is coaching different from mentoring?

While there is an overlap in methodology between the two, coaching generally helps pull out what is already inside and is focused on change in some way. Mentoring, on the other hand, is focused on delivering knowledge by someone who has direct experience in the niche technical areas that serve businesses in their industry with change as a side issue. A good coach is someone who is an expert at empowering and helping people transform or overcome limitations in their lives but is not necessarily an expert in a business’s particular field of operation. Generally speaking but not always, coaching is more focused on soft (interpersonal and collaborative) skills rather than on hard (technical or operational) know-how.

How is coaching different from psychotherapy?

While therapists are trained to treat specific mental disorders, coaches are trained to elevate performance. Coaches help coachees function at higher levels day-to-day, which then leads to greater psychological well-being and a greater sense of fulfillment. Another way to say it is that therapists usually focus on pathology as a way to improve lives, while coaches focus on helping people grow what is already working well and overcome limitations to what isn’t.

How long does a coaching session last and how often are they scheduled?

Coaching sessions typically last for an hour or sometimes an hour and a half at a time, depending on what’s required. The regularity of the sessions depends on what is trying to be achieved and for what purpose. Often management will dictate the regularity of the sessions based on the specific strategic goals they have for each workstream and what development goals they have in mind for each manager specifically. I usually like to space out coaching sessions far enough so my coachees have ample time to put into practice the experiential or applied learning aspects of our work together, which is incredibly important.

What sets you apart from other coaches in the industry?

My passion for believing in and helping people change by working on both mindset and behavior simultaneously. I have an experiential approach to change work, so everything I do has an applied aspect. I also am fiercely devoted to both honesty and integrity, which means you can always count on me to give you the best possible direction regardless of whether or not I’ll personally benefit from it.

Do you have any prerequisites for working with someone?

Yes, absolutely: the coachee must be open to change.

What is your approach to coaching and what methods do you use to help clients achieve their goals?

I use a mixture of different modalities, including many that originate in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Clinical Psychology, and Neuroscience. I am a bit of a research nut and have spent many years combing through the data about how we as human beings change to navigate the world in more empowering ways. I am, however, not fixed on any one way to help people change. Everyone is unique and my work is centered on deep respect and the transformative power of our professional relationship.

What kind of results can clients expect to achieve when working with Molly Ireland as a coach?

So many that it’s difficult to describe! Ultimately, my mission is to help people refine what they do to get what they want more easily and with greater joy. My clients will tell you that there was the “they” before they met me and the “they” afterward. This work really is that transformational, and I am truly honoured to bring it to the world in my own unique way.

What kind of support is offered to clients in between coaching sessions?

When I accept a coaching client, I’m all in. That means that I’m available in between sessions if need be. Sometimes when a client starts attempting the “practice” I’ve assigned from the last session, they stumble because they just haven’t practiced the skill/behaviour enough yet. I’m always available to help pick them back up.

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