About Me

I believe we’re born perfect and hard wired for growth.

But, we lose this somewhere along the way, believing that we’re only good enough if we conform to others’ expectations. In this way, we lose both integrity and authenticity.

It’s a lie to believe you’re not good enough.

It’s a lie to believe you’re unworthy.

It’s a lie to believe that you should be anything you are not.

It’s a lie to believe you’ve ever “failed.”

Molly Ireland

My Journey

Shortly after my husband and I immigrated to New Zealand from America, he committed suicide. To say that the months after losing him were difficult is a massive understatement. I had to bring up our four daughters on my own and everything became a challenge.

I beat myself up with soul-destroying guilt. My busyness was the only way I knew how to deal with the enormous sense of failure I felt.

But I also knew there had to be a better way.

I went through a lot of soul searching to help me heal. As part of that process I became more self-aware and accepting. I unravelled all of the pain and insecurity that I expertly hid behind my confident exterior. I also unravelled my marketing career. I couldn’t do it any more.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do but knew I needed to make a difference. So, I studied to be a clinical psychologist.

I also trained in NLP so I could help others, but it ended up changing my life first. NLP put me in the driver’s seat. It’s a powerful user’s manual for becoming a highly functioning and fully empowered individual.

If you’d like to work to
unlock new possibility…

Molly Ireland
Molly Ireland
Molly Ireland

“All leadership development is

John Agno